Vol IV: #71 Changes To Come

I started this blog in July of 2020, at a time when my life was in a chaotic flux. And the task of blogging helped center me. I posted over 330 posts in that first year. And I was proud of the accomplishment. The last three years, I’ve drifted and tried to figure out what to do next in this space. Currently, I’m sharing bits of my life, including random thoughts and observations.

This week I put serious thought into my goals and process and I asked myself what I wanted. The short answer is to write more. But what do I write about? It’s easy to set goal for number of posts, far harder to achieve it. So, the next question I needed to answer is if I’m going to post 150 blog posts, what do I write about? As mentioned above, I’m tired of myself. Tired of blobbering. I want to evolve and I want year five to be hopeful and encouraging. And I need to be organized. Intention won’t get the job done.

So, I arrived at the following:

  1. I moved up my blog birthday to July 1st, because I can.

  2. Starting July 1st, I’ll post nearly every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Each day will correspond to a specific theme, which are:

    1. Motivation Monday: Exploring all things motivation, where to find it, how to find it, keep it, and what to do when it’s gone. We all know what life is like when we’re motivated and hopeful, and when it’s gone, when all is dark and bleak. I want to explore both side of that street. And, ultimately, I want to document my process of being able to stay motivated and focused regardless of what life lays on me.

    2. Writer’s Prompt Wednesday: Using a prompt, I’ll write a short story and post it. These will be fictional stories, for the most part. And the goal is to publish creative work on a regular basis. Ship it, if you will.

    3. Fun Fridays: Each Friday, I’ll review the previous week with the goal being to highlight what went well that week. With all that goes wrong in life, in and around me/us, gratitude has never failed me. And I want to end my week focused on what’s good and life-giving, rather than the idiots and failures.

  3. I’ll post 150 blog posts over the next year (three a week with a few off days for holidays and travel.)

  4. Finally, I want to redesign my website, link post, and improve site navigation.

That’s it. I’m looking forward to the next year and an organized approach. (You’d be surprised at the number of posts I wrote but never published or the days I wasted trying to decided what to write about.) See you Monday.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Motivation Monday #1: Extrinsic Motivation


Vol IV: #70 Chat GPT and Loser Thinking