Grab a snack. This is My Entire Autobioaugraphy

No. Of course it isn’t. But that would be something, eh?


Hi. I’m Nik. My favorite snack food is Cheetos, but I rarely eat them. It’s for the best. I didn’t get to be obese by eating kale and blueberries. Speaking of food, I am what the modern zeitgeist calls a foodie. Again, to a diminishing degree than ever before.

The thing is, the older I get the more food affects me. I can feel it in my body when I eat sugar or carbs. I get depressed. Literally, depressed. But, enough about food.

I have other facts but they don’t paint a picture of where I am or my destination. For example: The phrase “I Love Jesus” is a very Christian thing to say. It feels lame, and in my case does not communicate my reality. I am the best version of myself because of the Lord. He saved me from suicide, addictions, and self-hatred. He’s led me up the mountain and shown me what can be, by being me. So yeah, I love Jesus doesn’t quite cut it.

I’ll leave you with some personal trivia:

  1. I consider the making and eating of a proper tomato sandwich sacrosanct. I only eat one or two a year with people who get it. (Toasted bread, mayo, salt & pepper, ripe tomato.)

  2. I once debated Nobel Prize winning economist Jeffery Sachs. On Twitter. He conceded a point to me. So I got that going for me, which is nice.

  3. Lastly, I love this quote by Mr Walt Whitman, “Happiness, not in another place but this place...not for another hour, but this hour.