What Is Fearless Grit?

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I choose the name Fearlessgrit in 2020 in the face of massive personal disappointment and failure. Over the course of 24 hours, I broke up with a wonderful woman and lost my share in a business I worked so hard to build. The moment was a giant suckfest but also gave me the opportunity to grow. So, instead of shame and self-pity, I choose to love myself and allow myself to be loved.

My path began on my living room floor when cried to the Lord. I think the conversation was something like “What the f*ck do I do now Lord?” I’d run out of ideas and was tired of trying to make things happen in my life. I was about to be 40 and didn’t have the slightest clue what to do next. Thankfully, God is real and He loves us.

The Lord asked me to trust Him. And, over the course of the next few months, I prayed and wept and listened. Finally, after a the haze lifted, He showed me what was in my heart to do: be the creative person and not a worker. The prospect is exhilarating and scary.

Fearlessgrit.com is the place where I share my work and document my process- from the beginning (where I am) to where I will be (Lord only knows.)

As of today (March 29th, 2022), my writing is better than it was when I started but still has a ton of improvement to come. My drawings are high school-ish. And, I have yet to delve into sculpting. But, I’m doing it. One day, I’ll start to paint. And, then I’ll sit down to write my first novel.

One day, I’ll look back in gratitude. And my heart will burst with love and appreciation for a God who loved me enough to ruin the life I settled for, to give me what I always wanted.