Walk in the Woods

Abstraction, Writing Nik Curfman Abstraction, Writing Nik Curfman

Abstract: It’s Been A While

A poem about my desire to write again and the freedom it held.

This pages waited, unedited and old,

without much attention from their master.

I confess my negligence and promise my repentance, an act made true,

with each keystroke.

The fury of the last four months- glory and all- pulled me from the loves that carried me to them:

expression, authoring, and naked truth-telling.

I refuse to let go of my lover and friend: Lady Goodwords.

She was good to me and gave me a home.

It was here, on my island of internet,

I poured my heart out to the few who dared to read it.

Clunky and unschooled,

I pushed past embarrassment and convention to say something, anything,

as long as it was true.

And now, I linger in the doorway,

hand on the post,

longing to be let back in.

I crave these solitary fields, my hideaway,

where I type what’s in my heart to type,

and press ‘DONE’ without hesitation.

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