Abstract: 1924

I heard a man say the events of the world was dragging him down,

that it was too much and he was about to bust.

I cocked my head and stared into the distance.

He ain’t wrong.

We got wars and high prices,

Old fools for Presidents and plenty of college kids acting self-righteous.

Then I looked in my own heart, at my set of frustrations,

They say unemployment is low but my pay sucks,

and don’t get me starting on dating.


We ain’t special.

What that young man needs is perspective.

Ought to use that glass he clutches to look back,

Read about what happened a hundred years ago,

And know life just ain’t that bad.

(In 1924, Hilter was found guilty of the Beer Hall Putsch, but let out after only nine months of prison time. Communism spread to China and tightened its grip on Soviet Russia. Fascist parties in Italy began winning elections. Hundreds of miners died in West Virginia coal mines. Riots and massacres occurred in Argentina, India, and Georgia. Earthquakes, fires, and tornadoes killed thousands of people from Japan to Hungary to Oklahoma. And least we forget Jim Crow was a thing. Prohibition was mid-swing. Only half the homes in US had electricity and indoor plumbing was uncommon. And Polio was a threat, small pox too.

My point is, the man above is wrong. Dead ass wrong. Though the world is crazy, it always has been.)

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Abstract: Generation Crab


Vol IV: #63 Protesting Hypocrites