Motivation Monday #3: Week One, Done

Motivation is not a super power. But, all too often, it feels like a magical force. And I want it. I want the ability to go after my greatest demons and push humanity ever closer to God without loss of drive or determination. Seriously. I am in awe of those who get shit done, because I focus on what isn’t being done. Accordingly, motivation feels more like a myth than reality. Matter of fact, I have greater faith in real-live miracles than my ability to stay motivated, to stay on course toward the accomplishment of any goal. And though my words feel harsh, I know they aren’t universally true. But they feel true. In all my failures, I’m the reason I failed. I gave up. To repeat, that’s how it feels. Failure happens for lots of reasons. And I am not to blame for all of them.

This year, I’m trying to define the concept of motivation as well what keeps me motivated. Last week I wrote I needed to hone in on my intrinsic motivations- those beliefs and values that are all my own. But before I could dive into intrinsic development, I needed to practice being in the moment. My only goal for last week was to stay present, instead of looking back or ahead. And I give myself a solid B- for last week. A few days got away from me, but I managed to catch myself before I spiraled…most of the time. I had fewer fake arguments and worried less about the future. This week I’ll stay focused on being present(aka taking every thought captive) in order to develop the habit.

Simple as it sounds, if I can pull myself into the moment, I’ll get a lot done.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Prompt Wednesday #2: From Me


Fun Friday #1: Grateful, Again