Fun Friday #3: Cheating Canadians.

The Germans have a word for the joy felt at the misfortune of others. It’s schadenfreude. And while I dislike the concept of reveling in the pain of others, I have my limits. Earlier this week, the Canadian soccer team was caught cheating. And we aren’t talking your garden variety cheating. Nope. The Canadians used drones to spy on their opponents…for years. LAUGH MY ASS OFF!!

It’s an extra layer of funny because Canadian soccer program is garbage. Like, not good. Like, if you were really cheating, why were do your teams suck so bad? Makes no sense. It’s like being a bank robber, ski mask on, gun in hand, but can’t figure out the front door. What a stunning failure, especially from a nation that prides itself on being nice and polite, as peacemakers. Yes. I find joy in all those facts.

At least now we have something on Canada. The next time one of those maple leaf loving sonsofbitches try to make me feel bad about being American, I’ve got a whole load of retorts locked and loaded. None better than “at least we didn’t cheat at soccer.”

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

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