Prompt Wednesday #1: Best Man Speech

Prompt: A character faces their anxiety about public speaking by delivering a heartfelt speech at a friend’s wedding.

Kyle took the microphone from Danny then glanced down at the bride. Michelle smiled up at him as Danny took hia seat next to her. And for a second Kyle thought about how fashionable and relaxed they appeared. Her pixie cut hair was neat beneath her veil and the smirk on her face said she was happy with the way the day played out. Kyle nodded and drew a slow breath through his nose and slowly unfolded a sheet a notebook paper. Then he looked out at a room of inebriated attendees, seated in the shadows just beyond the boundaries of the dance floor.


Kyle introduced Danny and Michelle at his 30th birthday party. Michelle was a work friend he wanted to date and Danny was a new friend. Danny and Kyle met at a bonfire. Of all the other chaps that night, it was Danny who showed up with a six pack of Miller High Life. And thrown in the cooler with all the snobby IPAs and ridiculous jalapeno lime lagers, the High Life sent a confident message. Kyle liked that and spent the night learning about the man who dared drink domestic.

At his 30th birthday party, Kyle intended to have a few drinks then ask Michelle out on a date. They got along well and shared inside jokes. He liked her swagger, the way she styled her hair and spoke up in meetings. He liked how some days she’d apply thick layers of eye shadow and sport heavy red lipstick, and then the next day she’d wear no make up at all. (At least, to the eyes of the untrained male.) One morning he’d gone to her apartment to retrieve moving boxes and she answered the door in sweat pants and a gray hoodie. He could barely speak and left as quickly as possible.

Later that night, as Kyle worked his way through beer number seven, he started to feel the courage in his veins. It’s time, he thought to himself and began to circle the house in search of Michelle. Through the sliding glass door to the back porch, he saw her. She was dressed in dark brown flats and skinny jeans with a matching hunter green sweater. She looks like autumn, Kyle mused as he began to reach for the door. And then, before his hand felt the handle, Kyle finally noticed Danny. He was leaning toward Michelle as he spoke, and her right hand was on his arm. And she laughed at whatever Danny said, a laugh deep laugh produced only when one person wants another.

Two days later, while watching the Panthers play the Falcons, Danny muted the TV and told Kyle about Michelle, how they’d hit it off at the party and had coffee the next day. Danny knew about Kyle’s birthday intentions and stuttered to get the words out. Tears ran down his cheeks as he apologized to his friend. Kyle remained quiet as Danny whimpered on the couch next to him. He thought back to his party and the look shared by the couple.

Finally, he forced a tight smile and said in a low tone,“All good, man. I saw y’all on the porch. I saw how she looked at you. I’ve know her for five years and never saw that before.”


“Look, I had plenty of opportunities. Like, a thousand of them. Don’t feel bad for shooting your shot.”

Danny sat stunned and relieved.

“So, we’re cool?” he asked in a stammer.

“We got this. Just don’t fuck it up.”

The moment bonded the Danny and Kyle, but Kyle remained uneasy about the couple. His feelings toward Michelle didn’t disappear, though he wished they were coins he could throw in fountain or give to a magician. He hated to be the ‘big man’ whenever he saw her, and it hurt him to hear after date recaps from either person.

And then a few dates turned into a Facebook official relationship status, and after another year, they were engaged. Fortunately for Kyle, he’d gotten to really know Michelle over that last year- that she ate a bland diet comprised mostly of tortilla chips and toast, had weird night time routines which took an hour to complete, and that she was incapable passing a Starbucks without going inside. She hated the outdoors and loved to go on cruises from Florida to the Bahamas. He’d seen her drunk and whinny, and listened to Danny complain about her constant stream of boring texts and voice messages.

Kyle realized that Michelle wasn’t special or unique. Whatever he was attracted to about Michelle was in his head. And once he’d gotten over Michelle, he was no longer hurt by Danny. He found himself rooting for the couple, advocating for their relationship rather than secretly rooting against it.

Danny and Michelle both asked Kyle to be the best man at the wedding.

“Oh, man. Yes, hell yes,” shouted Kyle as he smacked Danny’s hand.

“Wait. What do I do? As best man?”

The couple looked confused and Michelle began to laugh. Danny shrugged.

“I don’t know,” Michelle finally offered. “I know you’ll give a speech. Hold the rings. But apart from that?”

“Throw the bachelor party, “ answered Danny with big eyes and deep voice. Michelle slapped at his shoulder.

The word speech triggered Kyle and he felt his pulse in his neck.


Kyle spent hours preparing for the best man speech. Around fifty hours, of books on public speaking, on YouTube clips of good and bad speeches, of a spreadsheet to determine the best formula for content of the speech, and practice. Lots of practice, in the shower, before bed, and on the way to work. He’d even shared portions with Danny for his approval. And yet, when he looked out at the shadows, he refolded the paper and stuffed it back into his jacket pocket. He began by introducing himself and thanking the father of the bride for the reception.

“You know? I introduced these two.” He paused for a moment and turned to wink at Michelle and Danny. Then he turned back to his audience.

“And I was so fucking pissed about it.” He paused again, and thankfully the drunks in the crowd hooted and hollered. Then he quickly glanced toward Michelle. She was laughing too. Feeling himself, Kyle began to pace in front of the table.

“I had to act like everything was cool. And not just because my friend was dating the woman I wanted to date. Not because they liked each other. But because I knew when I saw them that night, just like tonight, they were made for each other. And having been Danny’s roommate for their entire relationship, I verify here and now, before God, that’s the truth. I didn’t really know until we took that trip to Sullivan’s Island and I had to sit through their bedtime routines.”

Now the whole room was in on the joke. Kyle continued.

“Look, seriously, don’t call them after 8:30 PM. You’ll screw the whole thing up. Call them at 9. ” Danny playfully slapped at Kyle arm while the room erupted.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Fun Friday #1: Grateful, Again


Motivation Monday #2: Intrinsic Motivation